Your health and safety are our highest priority during these difficult times.
Your safety is our priority!
TopWorks Cleaning is closely monitoring COVID-19 (coronavirus) and its impact on our community. The health and safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority during this time. While we cannot control this virus's severity or unpredictability, we can take precautionary measures to limit the spread and impact of COVID-19. We are currently acting with caution in our day-to-day performance with necessary preventative safety measures following the guidance set forth by the U.S. Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and other health agencies, including:
Cleaning hands with soap often, for at least 20 seconds.
Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
Keeping the recommended 6 feet from people.
Cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
Covering cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash.
Staying home when sick.
We encourage our customers to let us know in advance of an appointment if there are any concerns or they would like us to take special precautions. We will continue to closely monitor the situation surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus and act accordingly.
Keeping your home clean has been and remains a top priority.
What we do:
Our team uses a sanitizing solution to wipe down light switches, doorknobs, bathroom surfaces, and other commonly touched areas in your home. We clean and sanitize your home using products that include specific Environmental Protection Association (EPA) registered disinfecting products and specific cleaning methods, such as mopping with microfiber mops, which have demonstrated a 99% reduction in bacteria.
We tell our team members to switch out all cleaning cloths and mopheads between homes and thoroughly launder them between usage.
We instruct our cleaning crew to wash their hands with soap and water and use antibacterial hand sanitizer between homes.
We are closely monitoring national, state, and local health agencies for the most recent developments and following government and public health officials' guidance.
Our teams are provided with masks and gloves for use while cleaning your home.
What you can do:
Follow these tips from the CDC to help prevent the spread of seasonal flu and respiratory diseases like Coronavirus (COVID-19):
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us.